Beacon Institute of Technology, Meerut

Principal Message

“Education is about awakening-Awakening to the power and beauty that lies within all of us”.To me education is about building character and in turn building a generation of citizenswith immaculate character. I am proud to be the Principal of Beacon Institute of Technology, Meerut which is known forits academic excellence in the field ofteacher education. As a principal I use all tools available to inspire my staff, students andcommunity toworktogethertopromotestudentsachievement and well being. Being the principal of a teacher education institution I shoulder an immense responsibility of creating teacherswhoarerolemodelforthesociety My very competent team of teachers mentor every student under their guidance towards perfection and make them ready to meet the challenges of life. From academics to co-curricular activities perseverance and selfless spirit is entrenched in the heart and mind of every student. They are trained to not only become a good teacher but also good human beings. Our college is a known name in the area of teacher training and has set high quality standards that are truly benchmarks for effective and quality learning. Our students are at the heart of everything and we provide them a safe, friendly, supportive and conducive learning environment. That is why our students are successfully employed in various government institutions all over the country.I once again congratulate you for choosing Beacon Institute of Technology, Meerut for your holistic development and I look forward to the prospect of helping you in your dream of becoming an ideal and efficient teacher.

Prof. (Dr.) Vinita Tyagi

Beacon Institute of Technology, Meerut