The department offers an opportunity for the acquisition of specialized knowledge. The highly academic environment of the department exposes the students to the practical aspects of knowledge acquisition in the form of Seminars, Group Discussion, Lectures by experts and use of ICT and other e-resources. The department does not insist on the transmission of knowledge alone but tries to equipe the prospective teachers with skill that set them apart from others and enable them to face the challenges of globalization.
A career in education unfolds a vista full of opportunities leading to a global future for a young career aspirant. With the excellent training received by the students they are fully equipped to enter the teaching profession. Teaching profession offers excellent job opportunities, good working conditions and satisfaction besides monetary benefits. These courses are well suited for fulfilling diverse need ranging from :
- Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools.
- Lecturers in Teacher Training Colleges/Institutes/Universities.
- Various posts in the Education Departments such Basic Education officer, District Inspector of schools etc.
- Research Officers in the field of Education.
- Research fellows and project fellows under various national and international agencies like UNICEF, NCERT, ICSSR, SCERT etc.
- Counselors, Consultants.